Creative Thinking Skills | Bloom’s Taxonomy

How to Develop Critical AND Creative Thinking Skills (video transcript)

Have you ever thought about how your kids think? Are you wondering if good thinking just naturally develops as your kids age or if thinking needs some strategic steps in order to grow? Is there a way to develop critical thinking skills AND creative thinking skills? And, can this work for homeschoolers?!

Yes! There are very specific steps you can follow when it comes to helping your kids improve their level of thinking. I’m going to share with you what others shared with me when I began my homeschooling journey 3 decades ago.

It’s called Bloom’s Taxonomy, named after Benjamin Bloom. His work provided educators a systematic approach in helping student develop more complex levels of thinking. In 2001, a revised version of Bloom’s Taxonomy was released, making it even easier for teachers (including US!) to understand and use.


Creative and critical thinking "pyramid"

And this is how it goes:

#1) Remembering information—being able to recall it
#2) Understanding information—being able to explain it
#3) Applying information—being able to use it in new ways
#4) Analyzing information—being able to distinguish different parts of it
#5) Evaluating information—being able to defend concepts or ideas from it
#6) Creating information—being able to create something new with it

Okay, let’s flesh this out a bit more, shall we?

1. Remembering

Let’s say you just read The Tale of Peter Rabbit out loud to your kids. To find out if they remember what they heard, you could ask them to tell you the story. They could list the events of the story, they could tell you the names of the characters involved, they could even describe how scared Peter was in Mr. MacGregor’s garden.

This is the first level of thinking. It’s being able to recall information that’s been learned.

2. Understanding

This second level asks our kids to go a step beyond just remembering. To find out if your kids understand the story you read, ask them to retell it to you in their own words (that’s called “narration,”), to describe Mr. MacGregor’s garden, or to explain why Peter decided not to talk to the cat by the pond. Or, have your kids draw a picture from the story.

3. Applying the Information

The third level means using what they’ve learned in new ways. For instance, ask your kids for their opinions on WHY Peter went to the garden. They might enjoy doing a dramatic presentation of this story, using items found in your house as props. Or, one of your kids could be an investigative journalist who interviews BOTH Peter Rabbit and Mr. MacGregor for a magazine article on what rabbits do to gardens.

4. Analyzing the Information

For the fourth level, ask your students what THEIR response would have been if they had been Peter Rabbit. What if they had been Mr. MacGregor? And, what if they had been Peter’s mom? Then, have them compare this to the characters in the story. Ask them to compare Peter to his siblings. . . what are the distinguishing characteristics of these two sets of bunnies?

5. Evaluating

In the fifth level, you could ask your older kids whether they think this story actually happened. What reasons can they give? Why might Beatrix Potter have written this story? Who might benefit from this story, in your student’s opinion? Is the moral of this story true? Valuable? Worth the telling?

6. Creating Something New

The final step in this system of thinking is to create. For students at this level, they might create a poem or skit based on The Tale of Peter Rabbit. They might create a strategic board game or an outdoor action game based on a farmer’s struggle to keep bunnies out of his garden. They could create a cartoon or design a T-Shirt (like “I survived the garden”). . . They could compose a song, choreograph a dance, or sculpt an art piece.

The Benefit for Students

Do you see how, at each step, there is an increasing challenge to the students’ thinking? Though fun, it is developing something much deeper.

Isn’t that exciting? This is usable information you can put to work right now with your kids.

History Revealed & Bloom’s Taxonomy

it’s such an important component in giving our kids a truly great education, that we incorporated Bloom’s Taxonomy into the History Revealed curriculum, to help students grow in their critical thinking skills AND their creative thinking skills. By the way, when you add the 8 intelligences to the mix—which we did—it becomes REALLY effective!

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Ancient History Curriculum

Beginning with the creation of the world, this curriulum title continues—with a constant focus on Jewish history—all the way to the early Roman Empire; and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.



Middle Ages Curriculum

How was the world changed by the resurrection of Jesus and the birth of the Church? In this title, we examine the fast-growing movement of Christianity throughout the known world—and weave it into the history of the 1st through the 18th centuries.


Modern History Curriculum

In the modern era, what part has Christianity played in bringing hope and new life to a suffering world? Though it's not all good news, people inspired by the Spirit of God have given everything to serve others. With this constant reminder of God's loving-kindness, we tackle some of the the most difficult times in world history.

Online Courses with Diana

If your student would enjoy being part of an online class, this year we are offering Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries, and, also World Empires, World Missions, World Wars. I "teach" through recorded lectures, while a kind, generous teacher handles the live classes.

American History Through Music

Though they seem quite "out of fasion" in our modern culture, these are books with American folk songs and the stories behind them. Learn a bit of American history and experience the joy of America's folk songs. Great fun for singing along!

World History Audio CD's & Mp3's

If you love listening to stories (at a rapid pace!), you'll LOVE these audio recordings. Even if you are using a different curriculum for history, these audio recordings will add so much more depth and WOW-factor!

What Others Are Saying About History Revealed Curriculum


“We love the structure of the History Revealed curriculum and how church history is brought in right along with all the other history. We love the way that her program encourages kids to dig deeper into the time period through creative projects. Diana’s positive and encouraging approach has inspired my boys so much that it is really hard to just give her 5 stars. She deserves many more stars than that.”

Christa R

“My daughter has used both the Ancient Civilizations and Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries. These were the best two years of history she has ever had. She RAVES about this program to everyone.”

Maria F

“Our energetic boys have thrived with Diana Waring’s History Revealed Curriculum! The Scriptures are woven in every unit, the audios are engaging, the suggested reading pulls us right into the time period we are studying, and they boys are free to express themselves through carving, painting, drama and essays all while learning together! I have loved teaching and learning right along with them!”

Sara R

“Our family has used History Revealed for years for our 3 children. I cannot emphasize enough how powerful and dynamic this curriculum is. There is no end to how it can be used–from our child with severe learning issues to our son who simply had a deep love for history and wanted to know what “really happened”—We have utilized these books, audios and projects in every way imaginable.”

Sandra N

“In my years as a homeschooler, history has been one of my favorite subjects. Mrs. Waring’s curricula has fostered and developed that love of history with her enthusiasm, and perspective, and encouraged me to dig deeper with her own research… her curricula has been one of the most influential and helpful resources for my college studies.”


“My daughter (12), who learns well any way you teach her, did her usual good quality work all throughout the first 3 phases. When we got to phase 4 she REALLY blossomed.”


“This is the best program I have ever seen! I’ve tried Sonlight, Mystery of History, and Story of the World, and worked as a professional elementary teacher for 7 years both public and Christian schools, and there is simply no comparison!”


“Diana’s unique, multidimensional approach brings the subject alive in ways other textbooks cannot, and transformed history from one of our son’s least favorite subjects into something he truly loves. I cannot recommend it highly enough.”

Susan S.