Reviews and Testimonials

Parents, students, and professional bloggers & reviewers all rave about Diana Waring’s history curriculum and history CDs as well as her resources and homeschool encouragement products for homeschooling parents. Take a look at the reviews and testimonials below to see how History Revealed and other products have taken the homeschooling world by storm!

“Diana Waring’s history curriculum is, hands down, the best I have ever seen. It is scholarly, appeals to all learning styles, and integrates other subjects in a meaningful way. In addition, it gives students an honest view of history from a Christian perspective. Students will enjoy using her curriculum, but more importantly, they will become better thinkers as a result.”

Dr. Jay Wile, Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry and author of the award-winning “Exploring Creation with. . .” series of junior high and senior high science courses. His latest work is an elementary science curriculum.

History Revealed World History Curriculum Top Reviews

Susanne Reid, Reviewer

The premise behind History Revealed is to teach history as HisStory. Diana has developed the material so that students would understand history from God’s point of view. With great enthusiasm and humor, Diana shares her love of God and history in a manner that is contagious to children…

The beauty of History Revealed is its design… History Revealed is masterfully structured for those who depend on a curriculum for detailed direction, yet it allows freedom and creativity for those who tend to feel trapped by structure. Additionally, families using this curriculum could teach several children in varying grades concurrently. Families can study together but complete different assignments relevant to each student’s grade level and learning style. The curriculum meets the needs of every learner and instills a joy of learning HisStory.

Rhen, Homeschool Mom

Our family is loving Diana’s curriculum. With our large family, it can be a little difficult to find a curriculum that will work for such a range of ages and grade levels. History Revealed does a beautiful job of allowing our children to learn together, yet it helps them explore and be creative on their own levels. The self-expression projects have got to be listed as number one on my list of favorites. I laughed at their antics; I clapped for their presentations; I was charmed by their creativity; and I was thrilled to see just how many details and interesting points they were able to remember and clearly show in their projects. What a fantastic way for the kids to each be challenged on their own levels.

Carolyn, Homeschool Mom

This is the best program I have ever seen! I’ve tried Sonlight, Mystery of History, and Story of the World, and worked as a professional elementary teacher for 7 years both public and Christian schools, and there is simply no comparison!

Carrie, Homeschool Mom

You are brilliant, your material is thoroughly God-centered and God-honoring, and there is limitless potential springing from the pages you publish. May God continue to bless your efforts to honor and serve Him, as you work tirelessly to make history exciting, understandable, and God-focused for families.

Catey, Homeschool Student

In my years as a homeschooler, history has been one of my favorite subjects. Mrs. Waring’s History Revealed curricula has fostered and developed that love of history with her enthusiasm, and perspective, and encouraged me to dig deeper with her own research. Her curricula has impacted my view of history with her Biblical perspectives. I am now a college student and have been taking CLEP exams to take care of my course requirements, and her curricula has been one of the most influential and helpful resources for my college studies.

Hannah, Homeschool Student

I’ve done your history curriculum throughout my entire high school career and now the time has come to fill out transcripts and such … for the Ancient Civilizations, Romans, Reformers and Revolutionaries, and then World Empires, World Missions, World Wars. I have loved going through your history courses. I have learned so much that I can’t begin to thank you. I feel as if learning from your unique style has really implanted the facts and adventures into my brain. Your HUMOR and laughter made learning so much more exciting than memorizing boring dates and General So-and-So. Thank you for making my high school history so fun and creative. God bless you and your ministry through learning!