Online Courses

—recorded lectures by Diana Waring, live classes with Kristen Johnson

Looking for great online history courses?

Sorry, classes for 2024/25 are now closed.

Diana Waring’s Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries live online class will take students into a rich, thought-provoking study of the time period from the rise of the Church (and the fall of Rome) to the American and French Revolutions.

In addition, Diana Waring’s World Empires, World Missions, World Wars live online class will provide an amazing opportunity for high school students to engage and interact with the time period from Napoleon (late 1700s) through the Korean War (1950s).

We have a new format:

  • —recorded lectures for each unit by Diana Waring (using both PowerPoint slides and webcam);
  • —live classes with our amazing and engaging teacher/facilitator, Kristen Johnson.

Diana’s lectures have her trademark teaching style and dynamic approach to learning, which will bring history to LIFE for your student. Kristen’s background as a passionate teacher, college professor, and homeschooling mom makes her a wonderful addition to our teaching team.

We are committed to teaching/facilitating in a way that honors each student’s unique design as a learner, and our History Revealed curriculum provides multiple opportunities throughout the course of the academic year for students to engage in ways they will love!

This year,  we are offering two classes—World Empires, World Missions, World Wars AND Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries—each for $375 per student. And, for those who sign up this year, we will honor that same price for next year, as well.

This class provides opportunities for your students to delve deeply into history … explore related topics of their choice which they share with the class … do hands-on projects appropriate to the era, including mapping, art, science, music—even cooking! … and creatively express something they have learned, whether through journalism, music, art, drama, dance, even engineering! If you’ve been looking for something more than average, welcome to our GREAT online history courses!

Mrs. Waring does not focus on the dates and names of historical events as much as the context and motives behind them. She beckons us, as her students, to look deeper, to ask questions, and shows us how to find answers. She gently leads us through the ups and downs of history, keeping us invested all the while. When Mrs. Waring teaches us, she never fails to have a sparkle in her eye. I love  her exclamations of “Oh, isn’t this amazing?” and “I just LOVE this moment in history!” during her lectures. She finds SUCH joy in teaching, learning, and guiding us!!! 

Kristen Johnson is a great instructor! She is enthusiastic about the topic and that enthusiasm spread through the screen to all of us.

Each live online course will provide:

  1. One high-school credit for world history
  2. Excellent college prep for ALL types of learners
  3. Easy-to-use learning platform
  4. Warm, welcoming environment where every student is respected
  5. Both live and written opportunities for class-wide discussions
  6. New skills for students — including creating and uploading PowerPoint slides
  7. Creative opportunities for group discussion, projects, and presentations
  8. Wide variety of project options, including art, music, games, drama, and cooking
  9. Classroom structure with deadlines, tests, and grades

Welcome to Our Store

Ancient History Curriculum

Beginning with the creation of the world, this curriulum title continues—with a constant focus on Jewish history—all the way to the early Roman Empire; and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.



Middle Ages Curriculum

How was the world changed by the resurrection of Jesus and the birth of the Church? In this title, we examine the fast-growing movement of Christianity throughout the known world—and weave it into the history of the 1st through the 18th centuries.


Modern History Curriculum

In the modern era, what part has Christianity played in bringing hope and new life to a suffering world? Though it's not all good news, people inspired by the Spirit of God have given everything to serve others. With this constant reminder of God's loving-kindness, we tackle some of the the most difficult times in world history.

Online Courses with Diana

If your student would enjoy being part of an online class, this year we are offering Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries, and, also World Empires, World Missions, World Wars. I "teach" through recorded lectures, while a kind, generous teacher handles the live classes.

American History Through Music

Though they seem quite "out of fasion" in our modern culture, these are books with American folk songs and the stories behind them. Learn a bit of American history and experience the joy of America's folk songs. Great fun for singing along!

World History Audio CD's & Mp3's

If you love listening to stories (at a rapid pace!), you'll LOVE these audio recordings. Even if you are using a different curriculum for history, these audio recordings will add so much more depth and WOW-factor!