Educating at Home

Educating at Home is One of the Best Options!

Parents of school-age children often consider all their options before moving forward. For some of us, the freedom to homeschool our own kids seems both attractive and terrifying at the same time. And, if we share our thoughts with family and friends, we sometimes find strong opinions about why we CAN NOT and SHOULD NOT do this to our kids.

I’d like to be a voice on the other side of the discussion! Teaching your own kids at home is challenging, life-changing, and a priceless gift of love. There are some videos below that will help give some perspective, along with a series of articles focused on this wild and wonderful world of homeschooling. I hope you find it encouraging!

Videos About Educating at Home

Posts About Educating At Home

Word Smart — Linguistic Intelligence

Word Smart — Linguistic Intelligence

Do you LOVE words? Do you enjoy cuddling up in a comfy chair to “escape” with a book? Do you take delight in word games, like Scrabble and Taboo? Do you happily work crossword puzzles and word jumbles, or solve riddles and create-your-own-ending mysteries? Do you find...

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People Smart — Interpersonal Intelligence

People Smart — Interpersonal Intelligence

Are any of your kids “the life of the party”? They seem so comfortable interacting with others, so at home in conversations, so happy to be in the midst of the crowd. Do you ever wonder, “How do they do that??” or, maybe, “Why do they that??” It’s because they are...

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Nature Smart — Naturalist Intelligence

Nature Smart — Naturalist Intelligence

  Meet my dear friend, Paul Rushworth, a senior zoo keeper at Werribee Open Range Zoo, in Melbourne, Australia. In this pose with an African serval, Paul demonstrates the trusting relationship he has built over time with this lovely, wild cat. Why are some people...

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Music Smart — Musical Intelligence

Music Smart — Musical Intelligence

  Does music give you a bounce in your step, a smile on your face, and the zest to do your to-do list?   Have you ever felt like you are dragging through the day. . .UNTIL you put on music? If so, the energizing effect of music is one great indicator that you...

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Self Smart — Intrapersonal Intelligence

Self Smart — Intrapersonal Intelligence

  Today begins an eight-part series on how God has made each of us smart. Now, you might be thinking, "Oh, well, maybe YOU are smart, but I'm not. . .and I have the grades to prove it! Uh-huh.  I understand! And I beg to differ. You are smart.  And so are each of...

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Picture Smart — Spatial Intelligence

Picture Smart — Spatial Intelligence

Do you have a doodler? Someone who is constantly drawing pictures when you think they're taking notes? Maybe you've got a Lego-loving kid, who only seems interested in building the latest set of Lego structures. Perhaps you've got one who really comes to life when...

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Ancient History Curriculum

Beginning with the creation of the world, this curriulum title continues—with a constant focus on Jewish history—all the way to the early Roman Empire; and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Middle Ages Curriculum

How was the world changed by the resurrection of Jesus and the birth of the Church? In this title, we examine the fast-growing movement of Christianity throughout the known world—and weave it into the history of the 1st through the 18th centuries.

Modern History Curriculum

In the modern era, what part has Christianity played in bringing hope and new life to a suffering world? Though it’s not all good news, people inspired by the Spirit of God have given everything to serve others. With this constant reminder of God’s loving-kindness, we tackle some of the the most difficult times in world history.

Online Courses with Diana

If your student would enjoy being part of an online class, this year we are offering Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries, and, also World Empires, World Missions, World Wars. I “teach” through recorded lectures, while a kind, generous teacher handles the live classes.

American History Through Music

Though they seem quite “out of fasion” in our modern culture, these are books with American folk songs and the stories behind them. Learn a bit of American history and experience the joy of America’s folk songs. Great fun for singing along!

World History Audio CD's & Mp3's

If you love listening to stories (at a rapid pace!), you’ll LOVE these audio recordings. Even if you are using a different curriculum for history, these audio recordings will add so much more depth and WOW-factor!