Education That’s Relational

An education that’s relational will be one in which students thrive. Why? Because the environment and approach welcome them into the learning experience.

This is not education as usual — it is an immerse-yourself, creative, memorable discovery and exploration for all types of subjects. Students who experience this kind of learning become self-motivated and deeply engaged learners.

Fosters the Parent-Child Relationship

The educational environment includes the parent-to-child relationship, where parents:

  • Enjoy—even like—their children;
  • Honor how God has designed their children, they way they’ve been wired to learn;
  • Respect their children, and appreciate the pace at which they develop and grow; and
  • Understand the process of learning requires patience, flexibility, and repetition.

An Interconnected Approach to Learning

Our homeschooling approach includes the student-to-information relationship, where students:

  • Make connections between what they know and what they are learning;
  • Engage actively, not passively, in their own learning experience;
  • Engage creatively, not content to stay at a superficial level in learning; and
  • Develop critical and creative thinking skills over time.

Biblical Framework of History

For Christian families studying history, this includes the person-to-God relationship:

  • Discovering God’s faithfulness in history;
  • Making personal application to one’s own life;
  • Increasingly motivated to “Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.” (William Carey)