Learning Styles

We each have a comfort zone in our approach to life and learning that corresponds to our personality. These are know as our Learning Styles, and understanding the types of learning styles will help you and your family in many ways by: 

  • Explaining the differences between you and your children and among each of your children
  • Improving your homeschool experience
  • Fostering strong and happy family dynamics! 

Learning styles have been categorized in four ways by many different researchers from ancient Greeks to modern day psychologists. The Myers-Briggs personality styles are one of the most well-known classifications of learning styles. Myers-Briggs is very helpful, particularly for understanding the fundamental differences in each person’s approach to the world. 

Myers-Briggs Types

Feeler—the People Person

The Feeler is the person who loves to be with people and around people—to interact, share, discuss, and play together.

When it comes to academics, what is most appreciated is the “people” perspective, like:

  • Who discovered this scientific fact?
  • Who were the heroes in this history?
  • How does this mathematical formula help people?
  • Biographies, historical fiction, books about what people have done or are doing.

Thinker—the Facts Person

These students wants to know the schedule and the expectations. They are most comfortable with structure and when things run according to plan. They want adequate time to prepare for upcoming papers, presentations, and tests.

When it comes to academics, what thinkers most appreciate is knowing is: 

  • Accurate facts
  • Detailed specifics
  • Reliable sources

Sensor—the Hands-On Person

This is the student who enjoys projects that require getting physically involved, whether that means tearing an engine apart, sewing a costume, building a castle, or planting a garden. It is most comfortable to be up and doing, rather than sitting and reading. When it comes to academics, what is most appreciated are opportunities to be hands-on, such as:

  • Learning math facts using math manipulatives
  • Understanding science with science experiments
  • Identifying parts of speech by touching or demonstrating
  • Building a set for a historic drama

Intuitor—the Idea Person

These students love to be spontaneous, enjoy trying new things, and are always looking for a way to make life more “interesting.” They are constantly coming up with new ideas, and find it difficult to understand why it’s not possible to do them all!

When it comes to academics, what intuitors want most is an opportunity to be creative:

  • Write and stage a play
  • Write and perform a song
  • Choreograph and perform a dance
  • Create a painting
  • Develop a game
  • Any manner of other creative outlet

If there is more than one person in your family, you will undoubtedly recognize more than one of these categories at work in your home. When you begin to see that each of these different categories has value, it becomes easier to appreciate these learning style differences in your spouse and children. 

As a homeschooling parent, you probably recognize yourself in one (or two) of these categories. That translates into your teaching style. Understanding both your children’s learning styles and your own teaching style will help you understand:

  • How to fix some of the issues in your homeschool
  • How to avoid unnecessary collisions in the teaching/learning process
  • How to understand why your kids might not be comfortable with your approach

History Revealed and the Learning Styles

The educational concept for drawing in different learners by “cycling” through activities was developed decades ago, but due to the challenges of bringing this to the classroom, most teachers have been unable to utilize this remarkable strategy. 

In the History Revealed curriculum, though, we used this concept for the foundational structure. In every title in the series, each of the 9 units (or chapters) is divided into 4 “Phases” that correspond to the 4 learning styles. Every student moves through all four phases in each unit, finding some phases to be more personally fulfilling than others. 

This allows EVERY student to have opportunities to do what they love—to thrive in their learning experience. We’ve done the work of integrating these learning styles so you and your students can enjoy the learning experience!

Learn more about the 4 Learning Styles

For more information about how to navigate your teaching style and your children’s learning styles, see Beyond Survival: A Guide to Abundant Life Homeschooling.