In the spring of 2000, my family (Bill & I, plus our three teenagers) went to the FPEA convention in Orlando, Florida. FPEA has always been one of our favorites, but this time we were particularly excited as Bill Anderson, the author of Musical Memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder, was going to be at the convention promoting his newest book. I had not yet had the privilege of meeting Bill, but we had been working together on the Musical Memories project for several months via phone and email.

As we discovered him amongst opened boxes in his booth, I was delighted to finally meet the author with whom it been such a joy to work. With great enthusiasm, my kids and I asked, “Bill, do you want to come over to our hotel room for dinner one evening? We would love to have a chance to chat!” He seemed pleased with the invitation, but hesitantly asked for one provision: “Would it be all right if I brought a guest with me?”

There is ALWAYS room around the Waring table for an extra guest, so we enthusiastically said, “YES!”

I was curious, however.

“Who is your guest?”

Bill motioned to a lovely older woman, standing off to the side, and invited her to come into the midst of our jollity.

“This is Rosemarie Trapp, the first child born to Captain and Maria von Trapp.”


As it turned out, Bill’s latest book was on the Von Trapp Family Singers, and, during his interviews, the adult children of this famous family took him to their hearts. When he had the opportunity to come to the FPEA convention, he invited Rosemarie to come along. She actually did a workshop (I sat on the FRONT ROW!) and shared a bit of her life. She even invited us to join her in singing Edel Weiss, one of of the most poignant songs from The Sound of Music.

Thus is was that, one evening during the convention, Rosemarie Trapp came to our room. We spent hours with Rosemarie and Bill, talking, laughing, eating, swapping stories and even SINGING! She thought it was delightful that we sang together as a family, because she knew personally the dynamics of performing family concerts. And, when she learned that we had just returned from a life-changing seven months in New Zealand, we discovered yet another wonderful connection—her family had also loved traveling in the Pacific region!

I have to say that it was a magical night. And it remains one of the most amazing memories in my life.