Teaching grammar is a must! It provides the foundation and building blocks for writing. And, if you’re like me and you never learned much, now is a great time to learn!

I somehow missed this subject, or at least most of it, as I moved from school to school during my father’s military days. So when it came time for teaching grammar to my own children, I asked my grammar-loving husband to start the process. And, he did. With great gusto, he launched into all kinds of ways to have our kids engage with grammar. They did hands-on activities, sampled different grammar curriculums, and, for the most part, enjoyed the relational time with their dad on one of his favorite subjects. His philosophy was to find ways to play with and enjoy grammar. That is what will help them to absorb it, learn it, remember it, and be able to use it!

Can you imagine playing with grammar? I couldn’t. . . until the following September when I pulled out the grammar book we had picked up at a homeschool convention.

The very first page had a long list of prepositions that students were supposed to memorize.

Oh, dear. I knew that my kids were not going to do well with that, especially my constantly-moving, always-fidgeting Michael. If we were going to make it through that grammar lesson, it was going to have to be both physical and fun!

That’s when I had the idea of acting out each of the prepositions: in, around, under, behind, above. . .

Believe me, we were acting and looking like monkeys, as we tried to find ways to physically demonstrate those words! We laughed so hard, enjoying the opportunity to be crazy.

That’s an example of the sort of fun activity that you can do. The more your kids enjoy it, the better they will remember it. And, best of all, you’ll be building fabulous memories that will stay with them throughout their lives.

Be encouraged! Take one step at a time, break down each aspect of grammar into something that you can have fun with, and, before you know it, your kids will be running grammatical circles around you!!

Hope your experience is every bit as memorable—and fun!