Ancient Civilizations & the Bible Online Course

If you and your students are considering my Ancient Civilizations & the Bible online course, here are some of the highlights!

We will explore the ancient world interwoven with Bible history, including:

  • Rise of civilizations;
  • Biblical connection with ancient Egypt;
  • Israel emerging as a nation and then dividing;
  • How archaeology and the Bible help us understand specific ancient cultures;
  • How Assyria and Babylon differed from Persia in their approach to empire;
  • How prophecies of ancient Greece were fulfilled in Alexander the Great and how Rome fulfilled the vision of Daniel;
  • Unfolding of the “fullness of time” as Jesus comes as Prince of Peace, Lamb of God, and risen Lord.
​Time Meets weekly for one hour, beginning Tuesday, September 5, at 1:00 p.m. through Tuesday, May 29, 2018
​Age/Grade of Student We welcome middle school and high school students. Each will work at his/her own level and participate in class discussion, individual and group projects, and tests.
​Tuition and materials cost $400 per student, $51.94 for materials (unless you already own Ancient Civilizations & the Bible Student Manual and What in the World Vol 1 CD set.


Teaching Strategies/Structure

This course was designed with different ways of learning in mind. That is one of the primary reasons we have four Phases for each unit—it allows four different ways of approaching the material and various ways of presenting what has been learned. Many options are given because they offer opportunity for different kinds of “Smart”—the 8 Intelligences, or 8 Kinds of Smart. Since God created all of these differences in learning, we will honor Him by providing everyone an opportunity to learn in the way that allows them each to THRIVE!

Also, having numerous options allows students enormous freedom to pursue different topics that interest and motivate them. When students realize that they can actually dive deeply into something they find personally fascinating—and that their efforts will be honored—their self-motivation kicks in, a willingness to work much harder arises (because they ARE motivated), and there is real joy and satisfaction in the presentation.

With this in mind, here is the structure that will be followed for each of the 9 units.

Phase 1 Student Prep – Read article (15-30 min)
– Listen to audio (approx. 30 min)
– Read “Main Story” Scriptures (60 min)
– Answer one discussion question online prior to class (30 min)
– Comment on at least one other discussion prior to class (15 min)
Diana is available by email throughout the week to advise and answer questions
Phase 1 Lecture Diana Waring will present a PowerPoint lecture on the time period with paintings, photos, maps
– Opportunities will be given during and after the lecture to ask questions and discuss topics
– Students will be introduced to the Phase 2 project possibilities, including group projects
Phase 2 Student Prep – Choose research topic (15 min)
– Gather resources (library books, online articles, etc.)
– Research topic by asking “how” and “why” questions (3 hours)
– Prepare presentation ( “interview” a historic person, create a PowerPoint, be a curator of a museum, be a tour guide, etc.) (2 hours)
– Upload presentation prior to class
Diana Waring is available by email throughout the week to advise and answer questions
Phase 2 Exploration & Discovery Presentations – Everyone is required to upload their presentation
– five students will present their research in class (no more than 10 minutes per presentation)
(Note: We will rotate so that everyone will have equal opportunities to present during class.)
​Phase 3 Student Prep – Complete one map project (60 min)
– Choose from art, music, science, or cooking projects and complete one (1-2 hours)
– Write description and take photos of hands-on experience—upload prior to class (60 min)
Diana is available by email throughout the week to advise and answer questions
​Phase 3 Lecture Diana Waring will present a PowerPoint lecture on the culture of the time, using paintings, photos
– Art of the culture
– Architecture of the time
– Music (as appropriate)
– Specific focus on the Bible (including the major and minor prophets of the Old Testament)
​Phase 4 Student Prep – Choose a creative expression project from one of these areas—Linguistics, Art, Music, Drama, Movement, or Conceptual Design (15 min)
– Prepare creative project (4-5 hours)
– Upload project prior to class
Diana is available by email throughout the week to advise and answer questions
​Phase 4 Creative Expressions ​- Everyone is required to upload their presentation- five students will present their research in class (no more than 10 minutes per presentation)  (Note: We will rotate so that everyone will have equal opportunities to present during class.)
​Unit Test Students will take the unit test online. Two hours will be allowed for completion. Parents must agree to supervise, as this is a closed book test. The test will be “open” for 24 hours, from 12:00 a.m after Phase 4 class through 11:59 p.m. the following day.
– If needed, the schedule can be adjusted for individual students with parents’ request

Visual Highlights

Here are just a few of the many archaeological and artistic treasures we will see in Ancient Civilizations & the Bible:

Standard of Ur

This brilliant piece of artwork is from the burial pits of Ur, hometown of Abram. Our journey through time will take us past the incredible and unexpected technology visible in this ancient city!

The Sphinx in Egypt

The Sphinx is not only iconic, its history is fascinating! This is but one of the many wonders we will see in our journey through ancient Egypt.

Take me to Getting Started!