In thinking about some of my favorite books, I’d have to say I’m eclectic. . .at least.  We’ve sorted our book shelves into world history (which I finally had to break down and arrange chronologically—took me two weeks!), American history (including sections on Native American history and African-American history), Bible study aids, Christian philosophy/living, classic fiction, and a special easy-to-read-when-I-don’t-have-a-brain-cell-left.  We have several series of books that Bill reads outloud to me while I’m cooking (enriches our relationship and improves our food!), some children’s books (favorites we couldn’t bear to part with after our kids grew up), and a whole host of how-to books on gardening, handcrafts, and home improvement. (And no, unfortunately that is not a picture of my bookshelf…I arrnaged mine for funtionalitly not beautysmiley)


I thought it would be fun to share a bit of our lives as revealed in the books we love. 

I LOVE YWAM Publishing’s Christian Heroes: Then & Now books by Janet & Geoff Benge.  One title 

which particularly intrigued me was about Sundar Singh, because there is so little available on this fascinating man from India. Converted at age 16, he took the traditional approach of a traveling holyman and infused it with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Absolutely riveting!


Every time I read Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret, by Dr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor, I am challenged, inspired, and encouraged to trust God in greater measure than ever before.  And, He has never failed. . . Stretched me, yes, but failed me, no!


I mentioned several months ago reading the book “Shaftesbury: The poor man’s Earl” by John Pollock.  It was such an incredible read that I wanted to set it into my list of favorites.  Social justice is as integral a part of our devotion to God as is studying the Bible—in fact, if we apply what we read, we will find ourselvesworking to serve those who stand in the greatest need.  So as we consider how to fulfill the command of Jesus to “love our neighbor as ourselves,” we will find an incredible model in the life of this British aristocrat.  




When it comes to world history, one of the most enjoyable reads I have found is Winston Churchill’s “A History of the English-Speaking Peoples” in four volumes.  Churchill had a way with words, both in his writing and speaking, that makes him bothmemorable and interesting. I admit, there were times when I got slightly lost in his hasty descriptions of British parliamentary politics, however, the fault is more likely in me than him!



Though I squirm from time to time at descriptions, I must admit that Rodney Stark, a sociologist of religion, is one of my favorite authors.  His book, “The Rise of Christianity” is an eye-opening look at the impact of Christianity upon Western culture.  Stark was a professor for years at the U of Washington, and is now at Baylor U.  I’d love to be a student in his classroom!!


 So there are just a few of my favorite books…for a start!