Speaking at the Homeschool Curriculum Summit

I am delighted to be a featured speaker at the Homeschool Curriculum Summit, which is a FREE event hosted online May 3-10. My featured video, where I dialogue with hosts Todd and Jessie in a session titled “The Timeline of Teaching History to Your Children” will be launched on Monday, May 8th at 2:00 pm CST. I hope you’ll join us! 

You can register now at www.HomeschoolSummit.com

In the session with Todd & Jessie, I talk about approaching the study of history with humility (and why that’s so important!), guidelines for teaching history, the sources we use, the importance of understanding perspective & bias, and thoughts on how much history is needed/when to begin/where to start. Plus, of course, some of my favorite “God stories” in history!!

The Homeschool Curriculum Summit team’s purpose is to bring Christian families the resources and encouragement they need to homeschool with confidence and pass on the faith to their children.

All of the video interviews with speakers (like myself) bring a Christ-centered focus to these topics:

  • Math
  • Science
  • Language Arts
  • History & Social Studies
  • Finding the Right Tools for You

Registration for the May 3-10 event is free, and in addition to the video content, you’ll also get these bonuses:

  • An easy-to-search online vendor hall (with exclusive discounts)
  • A private Facebook group to connect with other attendees

Sign up now to learn how to choose your educational tools with wisdom and a biblical perspective! 

Learn more and register for free (for a limited time only!  www.HomeschoolSummit.com