I choose to embarkYou know, I love reading about the courageous adventures of pioneers who crossed rugged mountains, forded torrential rivers, and made it through dangers and trials all the way to their new homes–people like Sweet Betsy From Pike . .

I love reading about them from the comfort of a plush sofa, with Starbucks’ cappuccino providing the energy to turn the page.

It is a different experience to be the one embarking on the adventure.

Let’s see. Crossing the Great American desert in a covered wagon?

Okay. That means walking 2,000 miles. . . in 6 months.

Then, there’s the small matter of eating food without the benefit of grocery stores, restaurants, or fast food joints. Hmmm.

Suddenly, embarking sounds like a lot of work. Without the comfort of guarantees, embarking means facing dangers, having adventures, and, occasionally glimpsing spectacular vistas unseen by those unwilling to take the journey.

But, all romantic ideas of glorious vistas aside, the point of embarking, at least for pioneers like Betsy, the folk-song heroine, was to get there. In her case, the hope for better opportunities made embarking worth the risk.

So, what is important enough to get us off the couch and into the adventure?

___ Better parenting?

___ Better education?

___ Better finances?

___ Better career?

___ Better health?

___ Better _______ ?

My choice today is to embark on the journey–leave where I sit to go where abundant life awaits. New freedom, better opportunities, great life!

What about you?Diana Waring singing
Part of my own embarking on a new journey is to bring back into print the tremendously fun products, America, Westward Ho!, and Musical Memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Folk songs, like Sweet Betsy From Pike, will not only bring musical delight into your homes, they will also give you a front-row glimpse into American history.

Coming soon to Diana Waring Presents.  Stay tuned.