As a nation, we have had many moments of inspiration beyond the writing of our national anthem.  What happens to your heart as you read these important words from U.S. history?

“Fourscore and seven years ago. . . ”  Abraham Lincoln

“Ask not what you can do for your country. . .”  John F. Kennedy

“I have a dream. . . ”  Martin Luther King, Jr.

“That’s one small step for man. . .”  NeilToday I choose to fly Armstrong

Do they encourage your perseverance, move you towards service, motivate you towards compassion, rouse you to greater actions?

Powerful words, spoken during momentous times, affect people long after their initial utterance.

Obviously, words are often inspirational.  Let’s face it, though.  Our words inspire far less than our deeds.  Sometimes, it seems like we think our multitude of words will be what inspires the next generation to live nobly, righteously, and justly.  But, have you ever noticed the daunting reality that, “Children learn more from what is caught than what is taught”?  That puts the greater impetus on our actions, lived out day-by-day.

Inspiration is a tricky thing, isn’t it?  One does not wake up one morning and say, “Today I choose to inspire the world, or my community, or my children.”   Inspiration does not work that way.  It is not a tool we can manipulate, like power or wealth.  Instead, it is more like a river that flows out of daily living—gaining momentum and strength as we choose to live each day with courage and compassion.

That is how we choose to FLY!