If you are homeschooling and facing financial challenges, I have good news to share with you! But before we get to the punchline, let’s take a moment to look at one of those extremely encouraging verses to ponder when you have extremely limited resources: “Better is a dry morsel with quietness, than a house full of feasting with strife.” Proverbs 17:1

When we drill down into a more precise meaning (don’t you LOVE online Bible commentaries?), we find that “quietness” includes the qualities of peace, love, and harmony among the members of a family. There is a sweetness and contentment pictured here. And Solomon (who knew a lot about feasting and strife) says that a dry bit of bread—when shared in love—is better than a bounteous feast with arguments, bitterness, and hatred.

Isn’t it amazing to consider what riches we can possess, even though we have no $?

Of course, the enjoyment of the dry morsel is only possible when there is peace and harmony, when we are not constantly or overly pressured and stressed about our financial condition. But that is precisely the challenge when we’re struggling, isn’t it?

So, how does that work? How do we move from not enough money/stressed/pressured to not enough money/peace/harmony? Beyond being careful about income and spending, we can find the place of peace in the midst of a storm. This is a unique journey for each of us, hand-crafted by our loving Father. But it includes:

•praying (Philippians 4:6-7),

•pondering God’s faithful care (Matthew 6:25-33),

•resting in the Lord (Psalm 116:7),

•giving thanks for God’s goodness in the midst of every situation (I Thessalonians 5:18),

•and waiting on God (Isaiah 40:31).

As you take steps along this path, be encouraged that though you may not have all of the bells and whistles for homeschooling, you DO have the most valuable resources of all:

•time to read aloud to your kids (borrow fun and FREE books from the library),

•time to play with your kids (some of the best games are FREE, like tag & hide-n-go-seek),

•time to cook with your kids (practice math facts and reading as you multiply or divide recipes),

•time to do some DIY projects (like making book shelves out of reclaimed wood),

•time to plant a garden with your kids (great exercise, great math practice, great for budding biologists),

•time to engage your kids in great conversations about what they find interesting!

In 30 years of observing homeschooling families all over the world, we noticed that it was never the amount of money spent on homeschooling that made the big difference. Instead, it was the amount of loving attention and intentional engagement for each child that produced the greatest results.


Remember, stay relational.