Diana’s Blog Articles

Some are old, some are new, but each reflect something of the life of homeschooling.

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Slow down and enjoy this time

Slow down and enjoy this time

Have you ever noticed that your kids keep getting older. . .and bigger? Amazingly, the longer you parent, the older your kids will become. And, in the blink of an eye, they suddenly become adults. Just yesterday I had three little kids, and today I have one applying...

Slow down and enjoy this time

Have you ever noticed that your kids keep getting older. . .and bigger? Amazingly, the longer you parent, the older your kids will become. And, in the blink of an eye, they suddenly become adults. Just yesterday I had three little kids, and today I have one applying for a Ph.D. program, another applying for a Master's degree, and one walking through the unimaginable grief of losing a child. I...

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Humor at Home

Humor at Home

Do you remember the saying, “Give me a fish and I’ll eat for a day, teach me to fish and I’ll eat for a lifetime”?   It is as true for laughter as it is for seafood! “Tell me a joke, and I’ll laugh for a minute. Teach me good humor, and I’ll laugh for a lifetime.”...

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